New Jersey Arts Annual Exhibition
at Montclair Art Museum
La Pacha Apapacha
Woman Scream Sao Paulo
Exhibition and Artists Panel
climate change
The polar ice melts, huge chunks calf from the mother. The waters rise without concern.
The earth is dry, no crops grow. The infertile land pleads for us to awaken from deep slumber.
The earth is wet, the land is bloated with unmanageable waters. Tears from the heavens fall on deaf ears.
The fires burn, consuming all in their path. The flames rage against our indifference.
And finally death and decay. Our destruction, created by an unwillingness to act, is nearly complete. We leave the planet for the bugs to rebuild.
These boxes offer a glimpse into the earth as mother, beckoning her children to wake up and make healthier choices to protect against climate change. Each box uses reverse peepholes into the sculptures, allowing us to connect with her wisdom.​
Ellen Hanauer_Glimpse | Ellen Hanauer_Polar Ice:Attention! |
Ellen Hanauer_Megadrought:WakeUp! | Ellen Hanauer: Flood: Hello? |
Ellen Hanauer_Fire:Flee! | Ellen Hanauer_Consequences: World We Leave For Bugs |